Career Success Through Self Development (Career Expo, Ascot Primary School, St Catherine Jamaica)

Ascot Primary School in St. Catherine, Jamaica courageously held a Career Expo for their students under the theme 'Career Success through Self-Development' on February 25, 2025. As guest speaker, I wanted to engage, inform and inspire the mixed audience which consisted mainly of students (grade 1 - 6), parents and teachers.

The students were all decked out in the uniform/attire representing the career / profession they aspire to be a part of. Jamaica's future is bold, strong, unstoppable and won't be denied.

It was concluded that self-development helps us to get better at well needed skills and qualities that will make our future bright and successful. Discover interests, set goals, learn new things, cultivate good habits, overcome challenges and problems, be kind and never stop chasing your dreams!